
Showing posts from May, 2011

Some ways to clean and fix your computer

Is your computer slow? You just bought it like a couple of months or reformatted it like just a month ago? Some things that might help you solve the problem. 1. Scandisk - scan your computer for corruption. Before it was quite cool in windows 98 we just type in on the command prompt : scandisk /autofix and it will scan it all by itself. For windows xp and later you can do it by going to my computer, right click on the hard drive (usually c drive) click on properties, click on the tools tab in the "error-checking" click check now this will invoke the scan program though you can continue on this since it will ask you if you want to scan it at boot time " boot time means when your computer is starting" just click th ok button and restart your computer and wait for the scan to finish. Most problems not related to virus will be fixed by this. before there is also the famous "ndd" i love that program. norton disk doctor 2. Defragment - Also this one will event...

Virtualmin Issues: Apache dying every week at midnight

Issues : 100% http cpu load, Server Hangs, Http Dying Every Week There are lot of things I've done. 1. Check the cron jobs every week and change some weekly jobs and spread it on random day to another day like sat so they will spread the load 2. Create a script that auto checks that apache every 5 min there is a howto on the internet you can follow just google it. 3. This is the last thing that I've been doing read below: I've been looking for a solution on this one for quite long time now and havent figured it out. Log of apache doesnt give a clue. Maybe others logs have a clue the last log I havent checked was the logrotate logs. ( the log of the log rotator lol) I run the logrotate and poof! server down :D some freaking code there. I checked and found that the virtual sites rotates the log and invoking a restart of the httpd. I checked and tried and change the restart to graceful but no avail. So why do the server needs to be restarted?? Dunno really maybe to clear and s...

html,css standards: what about browser standards!

They say Standard this and that : Follow the standards ffs standards? where uhmm yeah! WTF! Check and Revalidate! What are you a guru? There are no rules on html! You have to save it with an extenson of html to be parsed! So to be standard you have to code for all the browsers out there! including lynx browser.

Virtualmin Httpd Problem Stopping Fix Howto

Fix : on crontab Also fix when http stacks up ( websites still functioning but the status on webmin is down )

The Linux Top Command

The linux top command will show you the running process on the server or desktop (linux based system) this is like the task manager in windows. To run the command just type in the commandline: top Several useful keys when on the program click a letter on the key board for example u - this will ask you to put a user in the field and it will only show the process for that user For more commnads press h the below help will show: Help for Interactive Commands - procps version 3.2.7 Window 1:Def: Cumulative mode Off.  System: Delay 3.0 secs; Secure mode Off.   Z,B       Global: 'Z' change color mappings; 'B' disable/enable bold   l,t,m     Toggle Summaries: 'l' load avg; 't' task/cpu stats; 'm' mem info   1,I       Toggle SMP view: '1' single/separate states; 'I' Irix/Solaris mode   f,o     . Fields/Columns: 'f' add or remove; 'o' change display order ...

Apache Randomly Stopping Every Day

New Fix Here Recently I have been experiencing apache server stopping randomly from time to time. Myabe due to DDos Atack or some weird event that I can't find in the logs. Maybe some cron job but I have been checking and stopping cron jobs but it has no effect. Also aI have DDos Blocker that blocks Ip Addresses whne they reach a maximum connection so I can't say he problem where IT was originating . Not Band Width Problem Since I have at my back. No Clue At All. My Setup is Centos 5 with Virtualmin all packages are up to date. My Fix Was the following: I have searched for a script / command that will check apache if it is down, I found it somewhere in the web tyou can google it since it's one on the top of the list. Then I cron job It Every 5 minutes interval so if it fails on the 2nd minute I'm only down on 3 minutes and it will go up again. The funny thing is it is random so that's why i chose every 5 minutes. I rather choose every hour but it will pena...

Linux Checking connected Ip Address and How many Connection

netstat -ntu | grep ':' | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/::ffff://' | cut -f1 -d ':' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr This command will check what Ip Addresses are connected to the machine and how many connection. This was a code used in dosdeflate an anti ddos program written for linux. Check google for dosdeflate.

You need Meta Tags, Always Use Them

After the title you need to edit the html (geez edit the html im a noob!) yes you are but you need this to do things very easy just backup the file. In the design tab click edit html below is my html <head>     <meta content='Title of your blog' name='title'/>      <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>     <b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'>       <meta content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0' name='viewport'/>     <b:else/>       <meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'/>     </b:if>     <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>     <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>    <meta content='the description of your site' name='description'/>     <meta co...

Check for open ports on computer

1. Linux         Create a file on console steps below --------------------------- $ nano -------------------------------- #!/bin/bash nmap -sS -O Save the file $chmod 777 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Basically you can just run the command much simpler $ nmap -sS -O It will output PORT     STATE SERVICE 22/tcp   open  ssh 80/tcp   open  http 443/tcp  open  https 1241/tcp open  nessus ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- the scanning is for open ports since all ports are closed in linux --- in windows create a batch file c:\>copy con portscan.bat paste inside:         netstat -a | find "LISTENING" save the file -- NOTE THIS IS if you are inside the machine ---

open source web server load balancing

Nginx Load Balancing | Reverse Proxy Nginx | SSL Nginx Used The howto of that can be found on google baby First File   GNU nano 2.0.9                                          File: nginx.conf.bak                                                                                          #pid    ...

ClamAv now on Sourcefire

ClamAv the free antivirus has been acquired by sourcefire they no longer accept donations. Hope they feed the clam very good since that clam is ok in opensource.

crontab virtualmin edition

For those of you who dont understand the crontab on virtualmin here are some useful steps bakup of virtual servers: Create a backup and create any schedule. Login to console and enter: $crontab -e This will open the crontab using the "vi" editor not your "nano" so be careful Look for the backup line like these below 0 0 * * 1-6 /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ --id 129783156318631 0 0 * * 7 /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ --id 130216537832489 The red marks what you should edit. the first red is run the backup every midnight from monday to saturday The second red is backup every midnight sunday. So if you want to backup every monday to friday  0 0 * * 1-5 monday to thursday  0 0 * * 1-4 every day at 1pm 0 1 * * * every day at 3pm 0 3 * * * modany to friday every 1pm 0 1 * * 1-5 Check this site here also has a live howto that will output it ! cool linkah!

killall httpd | /sbin/service httpd restart

Having problems every week apache goes down randomly and need to kill all httpd ten restart it. So I checked and see if this can come in handy hourly restart of httpd killing all process . The httpd gets too high Add at crontab $myserver crontab -e @hourly killall httpd | /sbin/service httpd restart | mail #Reload Apache Ever Hour to save :w :q