
Showing posts from May 2, 2011

open source web server load balancing

Nginx Load Balancing | Reverse Proxy Nginx | SSL Nginx Used The howto of that can be found on google baby First File   GNU nano 2.0.9                                          File: nginx.conf.bak                                                                                          #pid    ...

ClamAv now on Sourcefire

ClamAv the free antivirus has been acquired by sourcefire they no longer accept donations. Hope they feed the clam very good since that clam is ok in opensource.

crontab virtualmin edition

For those of you who dont understand the crontab on virtualmin here are some useful steps bakup of virtual servers: Create a backup and create any schedule. Login to console and enter: $crontab -e This will open the crontab using the "vi" editor not your "nano" so be careful Look for the backup line like these below 0 0 * * 1-6 /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ --id 129783156318631 0 0 * * 7 /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ --id 130216537832489 The red marks what you should edit. the first red is run the backup every midnight from monday to saturday The second red is backup every midnight sunday. So if you want to backup every monday to friday  0 0 * * 1-5 monday to thursday  0 0 * * 1-4 every day at 1pm 0 1 * * * every day at 3pm 0 3 * * * modany to friday every 1pm 0 1 * * 1-5 Check this site here also has a live howto that will output it ! cool linkah!

killall httpd | /sbin/service httpd restart

Having problems every week apache goes down randomly and need to kill all httpd ten restart it. So I checked and see if this can come in handy hourly restart of httpd killing all process . The httpd gets too high Add at crontab $myserver crontab -e @hourly killall httpd | /sbin/service httpd restart | mail #Reload Apache Ever Hour to save :w :q