Golang Notes
GO LANG SPEC + OPERATOR INTEGER OPERAND GOLANG PLAYGO+ROUND EFFECTIVE GO https://golang.org/ref/spec go fmt formating package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { n, err := fmt.Println("Hello, playground", 42, true) fmt.Println(n) fmt.Println(err) } == Output === Hello, playground 42 true 26 <nil> DECLARE AND ASSIGN x : <--- DECLARE = 42 <--- ASSIGN x := 42 DECLARE AND ASSIGN ############################################## Short declation doesnt work outside curly only function inside body var work outside curly global var z int = integer and value of zero / false / nil ############################################## var y = 42 var z = "any" func main() { fmt.Println(y) fmt.Printf("%T\n",y) fmt.Println(z) fmt.Printf("%T\n",z) = 42 int any string ################################################### fmt with example fmt.Pri...