JFolder::create: Could not create directory

I got this weird problem in Jommla where I cannot install this module. Since we also have access to our own server I checked the following as stated on some other websites monstly on joomla's site.

(directories might be differ but we will be talking about your installation directory)

in you installation directory check the tmp folder change permission to 777 then change back to 755 after you check if the installation continues. If this solve the problem you need to fix folder and file permission. DO NOT LEAVE tmp at 777 !!!

check logs directory (though i dont know why some stated this) also check logs for the problems this where the tail command comes handy.

check the configuration.php and look for these lines

 var $log_path = '/home/freakazoid/logs';
 var $tmp_path = '/home/freakazoid/tmp';

change these to some folder where there is read/write access (A SECURE ONE)

I changed my default tmp to global tmp

var $tmp_path = './tmp';

this will do the trick but I think you should stick to the installation tmp dir


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