Vpn issue on oppo a17 android with fortinet vpn
Recently I bought a new backup phone A17 typical 4gb ram 64gb drive android phone just for work purposes.
I installed vpn fortinet as usual from play store but I noticed it disconnects whenever I minimize the vpn app.
I struggled and downloaded the old version of the vpn app but still Im having this weird issue. I tweaked like for a day but no avail.
I didnt stop and tried again since It is a very weird issue.
Then suddenly it worked while some more configuration.
I will write here the config and hope this will help someone out there
1. There is a ram extension with this phone its like using the disk as swap, I disabled it. maybe I will turn it back on if all is ok.
2. I enabled developer options oem unlocking usb debugging verify apps over usb veryfy bytecode of debuggable apps enable absolute voplume status bar location indicator
3 battery power saving off
4 vpn permissions - manage anotification allowed on storage
5. seems also has to do with external storage storage I replaced the memory card was a 512gb
6. private dns off
I will just add more and try to remember